Monday, August 24, 2020

( h tt p / / ww w . i n di a s t u d y ch a nn e Essays - Culture

( h tt p :/ww w . I n di a s t u d y ch a nn e l . co m ) R e sou r ce s (/r e sou r ce s/)/A r t I cl e s/K no w l e dg e S h a r I n g (/r e sou r ce s/C a t e g o r y 5001 - A r t I cl e s - K no w l e dg e - S h a r I n g . a s p x )/A r t I ci a l I n t e lli g e n ce , I t s a dvan t a g e s a n d di s a dv a n t a g e s P os te D a te : 13 Ja n 2018 | U p d a te d : 13 - Ja n - 2018 | C a te g o r y : A r spasm l e s/K no w l e d g e S h a r I n g (/r e sou r c e s/C a te g o r y 5001 - A r spasm l e s - K no w l e d g e - S h a r I n g . a s p x ) | A u th o r : C h I t r a (/m e m b e r/C v I n a y . a s p x ) | M e m b e r L e v e l : D I a m on d (/g e n e r a l/M e m b e r sh I p L e v e l s . a s p x ) | P o I n ts : 60 (/g e n e r a l/C on te n tR a tin g . a s p x ? E n tity T y p e = 1 E n t I t y I d = 173143 ) | A r t I ci a l I n t e lli g e n ce I s a k no w n t e r m f o r a ll a n d w e u s e d I ff e r e n t f o r m s o f I t I n ou r d an il y li v e s . B u t d o w e k no w a b ou t h e a d v a n t a g e s a n d I s a d v a n t a g e s o f An I n d e t an il ? T h I s a r t I c l e w sick g I v e y ou a cl e a r p I ct u r e o f I t . I n t r o d u c t I on A r t I ci a l I n t e lli g e n ce I s t h e I n t e lli g e n c e sho w n b y s y st e m s a n d m a c h I n e s . I t I s a r t I c I a ll y c r e a t e d , un li k e hu m a n I n t e lli g e n ce . N o w e g e t o s ee a r t I ci a l I n t e lli g e n c e I n ou r d a y t o d

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Oh yeah Essay Example For Students

Goodness better believe it Essay David OcampoHonor English IV2/21/02The Use of Sound in Shakespeares Sonnetsby Barbara Herrnstein Smith This article contends that Shakespeares utilization of the meter, or general structure of sounds, in his verse is as critical to his style as his representations, non-literal language, and pictures. Shakespeare utilized created procedures, notwithstanding, he executed them all the more successfully. Shakespeare had the option to execute the rhyming to sound normal, like common discourse, instead of fake and mechanical, as it typically sounds. Shakespeare was additionally ready to control words to make melodic sounds with mixes and reiterations of vowel and consonant sounds. The article expresses that Shakespeare had the option to ace the melodic possibilities of the language. This was splendidly executed through his utilization of complex dispersions of phonetic components, and working with the inner mood, delivering the genuine amicability of all around tuned sounds. Likewise, Shakespeare had the option to control the versifying meter to sound like common discourse. Conventional rhyming meter verse tends to sound counterfeit and mechanical. Nonetheless, Shakespeare was able enough to rule the procedures of English verse and, in this manner, had the option to stay away from the misshaped common accentuation of discourse and sidestepped the mechanical consistency of pounding in such verse. TIPS FOR WRITING YOUR REPORT?Plan the report. Select a thought or point for your report. Accumulate data for your report. Recognize the data you need to remember for your report. Recall you ought to have at any rate three different ways to help the principle thought of your report. Incorporate subtleties and explicit data that will assist you with coming to your meaningful conclusion. Compose a draft. Survey what you have composed. Give perusing the report a shot noisy. It can assist you with getting botches. Check spelling and accentuation. Each sentence should start with a capital letter and end with a period, question mark, or outcry mark. Make the last report. ?Include intrigue. Use diagrams and outlines to delineate a thought. Incorporate an image, photograph, drawing, or guide. Discover a citation, and use it to come to your meaningful conclusion. ?Make the most of each word. Pick words your peruser will comprehend. Recall you need to convey your plan to the individual perusing your report. Maintain a strategic distance from clichs. Utilize a thesaurus to supplant exhausted words and find better approaches to communicate your thoughts. Words/Pages : 359/24

Monday, July 20, 2020

Why Watching TV Re-Runs Helps Ease Stress

Why Watching TV Re-Runs Helps Ease Stress Stress Management Management Techniques Print Why Watching TV Re-Runs Helps Ease Stress By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on August 04, 2019 How Stress Impacts Your Health Overview Signs of Burnout Stress and Weight Gain Benefits of Exercise Stress Reduction Tips Self-Care Practices Mindful Living Frank van Delft / Cultura / Getty Images When youre feeling stressed, you probably know that something like exercise or meditation will relieve your stress in the short run and build resilience in the long run, but sometimes you might find yourself more likely to climb into be and watch a re-run of a favorite show, then emerge from your cocoon with more energy and patience. If you enjoy doing this (or if youre completely perplexed why anyone would enjoy this), we have some interesting news for you. It turns out that  research sheds some light on why people are drawn to this type of stress relief, and it makes sense. Apparently, its all about replenishing our energy reserves with a little low-stress, soothing social time. What the Research Says Two studies published in the journal  Social Psychological and Personality Science  analyzed the relationship between television habits and task completion, and the results suggest an explanation as to why this practice works for me. In the first study, researcher Jayne Derrick, Ph.D. examines two groups of subjects. One group who is completing a difficult, structured task, and a second group who is completing a neutral task. The groups were then divided into two again, with one group describing their favorite television show and the other group listing items in the room (another neutral task). Those who wrote about their favorite show (rather than listing items in their room) wrote for longer if they had done the structured task than if they had done the less-structured task. What this means, Derrick says, is that these participants were seeking out their favorite TV shows and they wanted to spend more time thinking about them. Derrick also asserts that  writing about their favorite television show restored their energy levels and allowed them to perform better on the difficult puzzles they were asked to complete. In the second study, participants kept a daily log in which they reported on their daily tasks requiring effort, their media consumption, and their energy levels each day.  If they had to do energy-consuming tasks, they were more likely to seek out a re-run of their favorite television show, to re-watch a favorite movie, or to re-read a favorite book. Doing so, then restored their energy levels. In other words, there was a measurable restorative effect from a familiar fictional world, Derrick asserts via a press release. Key Findings A key finding here is that people found that watching a re-run of a favorite show restored their energy levels, allowing them to do more afterward. Another important point to note is that it was re-runs, not merely interesting viewing, that tended to make a difference. The restorative effect I found is specific to re-watching favorite television shows (or re-watching favorite movies or re-reading favorite books), Derrick says. Just watching whatever is on television does not provide the same benefit. And perhaps surprisingly, watching a new episode of a favorite television show for the first time does not provide the same benefit. She says that there is something about the social surrogacy of watching favorite characters, and there is a relaxing element to already knowing what will happen. In this way, re-watching a favorite television show can provide a less stressful encounter than real-life social encounters that may include conflict or other unknown potential energy drains. Although there are positive outcomes to social interaction such as a sense of feeling of being energized, says Derrick, human exchanges can also produce a sense of rejection, exclusion, and ostracism, which may diminish willpower. Ongoing Debate About Television These findings add to the ongoing  debate over whether television is a stress reliever, cause of stress, or neutral activity, and provides us with some guidelines for how television may be used as a stress reliever for the right circumstances and goals, without becoming an overall time drain. It also explains why many of us sometimes prefer a favorite old movie or t.v. re-run to the latest episodes or blockbusters. Based on my research, I would argue that watching television is not all bad. While there is a great deal of research demonstrating that violent television can increase aggression, and watching television may be contributing to the growing obesity epidemic, watching a favorite television show can provide a variety of benefits, which may enhance overall wellbeing, she says. She also has other findings from her research. I have found, for example, that favorite television shows can actually increase peoples pro-social behavior. Specifically, after thinking about a favorite television show, people are more willing to forgive others, are more willing to help a stranger and are more willing to sacrifice for their romantic partner, she says. Closing Thoughts So sometimes when we feel drained from  too much stress  or a  lifestyle that is too busy, we just need to baby ourselves and allow ourselves those simple pleasures like t.v. re-runs. Are there more effective stress relievers out there? Sure.  (Exercise and meditation both come to mind, as they build resilience and enhance overall health.)  However, if you find yourself shying away from stress relievers that require a greater level of effort or practice, its entirely okay to indulge in simple pleasures like these, especially if used in moderation.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger - 862 Words

The Catcher in the Rye a novel written by J.D. Salinger, the book starts off with Holden Caulfield, main protagonist, talks about his experience alone the weekend before he went home after getting kicked out of Pencey Prep.Holden seems to be embracing the growing up mentality yet he is frighten of adulthood he is trying to keep his innocence. Holden’s attitude toward life in general is perplexed. He pretends to be an adult by drinking heavily, yet he complains like a child. Holdens thoughts arent what an average sixteen year old boy would think about. He describes death in a peculiar way and he pretends to be injured often yet he hasn’t been in that position before. He is a bit violent and sexual for a kid his age. He lies about his age to certain people he meets. He tries to lose his virginity to a prostitute but he doesn’t go through with it. Holden isn’t a straightforward guy because he shys away with his lies. In other words, Holden tries to act like a n adult at times, but he is actually extremely terrified of the adult life. Throughout the book, Holden tries to talk and act as a mature person around other adults, yet cant restrain himself from acting as an immature teenager. Holden at a young age obviously lost his innocence; he talks about the many things that annoys him. He curses and judges everything that he sees. Holden interprets peoples action differently because according to him, everyone has different motives. In Holden’s mind, he seems to think thatShow MoreRelatedThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger637 Words   |  3 PagesThe Catcher in the Rye, by J.D Salinger, consists of many minor characters. There are more than about sixty characters in the novel in which only three of them are major characters (Holden, Allie, and Phoebe) and the rest minor. Many of these characters are just mentioned with no lasting impact on either the novel itself or Holden. Salinger uses minor characters in the Catcher in the Rye to tell the readers about Holden and his views about the world. The first minor character seen in the CatcherRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger654 Words   |  3 Pagesfirst questions that came to my mind when I received the first assignment notice that we would be reading The Catcher in the Rye for English class. The title is most likely the single most important word choice that the author must make. J.D. Salinger uses the title in the book to allude to more than just when Holden sees the young child singing. J.D. Salingers title, The Catcher in the Rye, alludes to the conflict Holden faces of sexuality when growing up. The first reference made to the titleRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger944 Words   |  4 PagesMany people have different aspects and impressions on a teenager’s life. Some say society is the problem for their misbehaviours while others say it is the child who is responsible. Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger tells a story of a teenage boy named Holden Caulfield who gets kicked out from school to school. He never pushed himself in academics or anything and ended up failing, at most, everything. He re-tells what happened to him in New York after he got kicked out of Pencey Prep and secretlyRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger1005 Words   |  5 PagesHolden Caulfield, the protagonist of J.D. Salinger’s classic coming of age tale The Catcher in the Rye, entices readers through his hyper-critical scrutinization of the post-war consumer world. The novel itself is acclaimed to be quite autobiographical; the similarities between Salinger and H olden are numerous. Holden is an avid critic of materialistic American ideals, and he aims to preserve innocence in others, and to save himself from falling into the land of adulthood. After failing out ofRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger1515 Words   |  7 PagesIn the novel, The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caulfield is a very complex and interesting person to take into consideration and psychoanalyze. His various traits make him a different person from the rest of the phonies in the world. Holden says, â€Å"All you do is make a lot of dough and play golf and play bridge and buy cars and drink Martinis and look like a hot-shot. How would you know you werent being a phony? The trouble is, you wouldnt.† What Holden doesn’t realizeRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger798 Words   |  3 PagesCatcher in the Rye Essay Anyone who has lost a beloved relative to cancer or other illnesses can understand how difficult it is to return to a normal living routine and move on with their lives without the relative. In J.D. Salinger’s novel, Holden Caulfield has to deal with the loss of his younger brother to leukemia. A few years after his younger brother, Allie, passed away, Holden finds himself being kicked out of yet another boarding school, this one being Pencey Prep in Pennsylvania. HoldenRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger1104 Words   |  4 Pages J.D. Salinger has written multiple novels, but his most famous is The Catcher in the Rye. Not only is this novel famous for its literary merit, it is also known as his most banned novel in certain schools. Even though this novel has been banned, J.D. Salinger’s themes and moralistic purposes serve literary worth. In The Catcher in the Rye, the reader is first introduced to Holden Caulfield, as first person narrator. He is a radically independent adolescent who tosses off judgments at ease unselfconsciouslyRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger983 Words   |  4 PagesCatcher in the Rye Essay Throughout Catcher in the Rye there are a lot of small parts of the story where it would be linked to the book and to the text all together. J.D. Salinger created a lot of important passages that would be associated with what type of message that he was trying to convey to the audience. Salinger would develop certain characters like Phoebe through her description and actions to have a influence on Holden, thus causing him to change as a character and reveal sides of himRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger507 Words   |  2 PagesJ.D Salinger is a very known american writer whose literature became very popular. His books revolved around many ideas such as his view on children. Children in many of his books have an innocence that Salinger grasps onto and makes adults corrupt. Also, he shows how children are teachers to adults but can still be foolish. Purity in children are expressed throughout many stories by Salinger. In Catcher In the Rye, Holden repeatedly expressed â€Å"Did you ask her if she still keeps all her kings inRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger667 Words   |  3 PagesIn a J.D Salinger novel, The Catcher in the rye interprets the adolescent world full of patience and misery. Holden Caulfield, hardly being the complete opposite of a typical protagonist. Instead, being the archetype of an anti-hero facing adolescent over anxiety. He is a teenager forced to grow up in a time of turmoil with severe emotional handicaps placed upon him by family, friends and life in general. Caulfield sets himself on such a journey and is portrayed as an individual on a quest for validation

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethical Issues in Erin Brockovich Essay - 1593 Words

Ethical Issues in Erin Brockovich Erin Brockovich is in a car accident that is not her fault and hires attorney Ed Masry to defend her. He gave her the impression that she would be getting a good settlement, but she lost the case. She is a single mom of three, has no money and is unable to find a job. She blames him for losing the case (due to lack of preparation) and forces her way in to a job at his law firm. Because of the way she dresses and acts, nobody takes her seriously and treats her with respect. She is given a real estate pro-bono file to open involving the purchase of Donna Jensen’s home by Pacific Gas amp; Electric Company (PSamp;E). As she read through the documentation, she found it confusing that there was medical†¦show more content†¦She continues to do things that only lawyers are permitted do, such as give advice to clients. However, Erin does so in a way to earn their trust and becomes friends with many of the residents. This proves to be a pivotal point in keeping up the morale of the people when they begin to feel like the lawyers are failing them. In their first meeting, Donna told Erin that PGamp;E had paid for doctors’ visits for the whole family. However, PGamp;E was not doing this just to be nice, as they would have the residents believe, they had an ulterior motive. They sent them to specific doctors because these doctors would lie to them to cover up for PGamp;E. It was clear that PGamp;E must have paid these doctors to tell the residents that the water was safe and that their health problems were not associated to the chromium. The fact that a doctor would lie to a patient is just as, if not more unethical than what PGamp;E did by lying to the citizens. Although this issue was not dealt with in the movie, those doctors should have lost their right to practice. The company should have offered the residents of Hinkley the right to see another doctor of their choice, at PGamp;E’s expense. Upon realizing she needed to get information about the water in Hinkley, specifically the type of chromium, she went to the water board. She was told not to let them know what she was looking for or the records couldShow MoreRelatedEthical Issues in the Film Erin Brockovich898 Words   |  4 PagesThe movie Erin Brockovich is based on actual events involving a corporate business called Pacific Gas Electric who knowingly endangering the health of residents and the water supply in the town of Hinkley. Erin is the mother of three children who is out of work. In the midst of her job search she got into an auto accident and was injured. Erin has an ethical and moral responsibility to feed her children so she forces her lawyer Ed Masry to give her a secretarial job after he failed to get herRead MoreEthical Issues in Film Erin Brockovich Essay552 Words   |  3 Pages Ethical Issues in film Erin Brockovich There are many ethical issues in the movie Erin Brockovich. This movie is about a mother of three who uncovers a water poisoning case by Pacific Gas Electric Company (PGE) in southern California. Erin has the responsibility to feed and educate her three children and she has a general distrust of people. She begins by forcing her lawyer Ed Masry to give her a secretarial job after he failed to get her a settlement from an auto accidentRead More Ethical Issues in film Erin Brockovich Essay1534 Words   |  7 PagesEthical Issues in film Erin Brockovich There are many ethical issues in the movie Erin Brockovich. This movie is about a mother of three who uncovers a water poisoning case by Pacific Gas Electric Company (PGE) in southern California. Once it was proved that the company had knowingly dumped hexavalent chromium into the ground water, the utility company was found liable for a $330 million dollar verdict. Erin has the responsibility to feed and educate her three children and she hasRead MoreErin Brockovich802 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Erin Brockovich† – Movie Overview By Eryn Pilla, Hamilton Onyeukwu amp; Jennifer Poff The movie â€Å"Erin Brockovich† starring Julia Roberts is loosely based on a true story. In the movie, Roberts plays a sassy single mom who is down on her luck and struggling to provide for her three children. She was involved in a car accident and sued the driver of the other car- a wealthy doctor who she felt deserved the blame for the accident. The lawsuit was spearheaded by her lawyer, Ed Masry who eventuallyRead MoreTIM HERTACH1497 Words   |  6 PagesThough this would suggest he holds some personal power with upper management, he is unable to influence the two recent issues described in the case. Hertach needed to focus on two general ways in which he could have better influenced his senior partners: through his personal leader development and tactical approach. The first would have taken time prior to the introduction of either issue: evaluate and improve his EQ (emotional intelligence). He needed to evaluate his strengths and weaknesses, and in-turnRead MoreMarketin g Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 PagesStarbucks, we have moved Entrepreneurial Adventures up to the front of the book. We have continued Marketing Wars, which many of you recommended, and reinstated Comebacks of firms iii iv †¢ Preface rising from adversity. I have also brought back Ethical Mistakes, because I believe that organizations more than ever need to be responsive to society’s best interests. Altogether, this 11th edition brings seven new cases to replace seven that were deleted from the previous edition. Some of the cases

Urban Alienation Free Essays

How have three of the texts you have studied provided insight into the individual’s relationships to the urban landscape? The three texts; T. S Elite’s The Preludes poem, Jennifer Strauss’ Migrant Woman on a Melbourne Tram poem and the short story The Pedestrian by Ray Bradbury, provide an insight into each individual’s relationship with the urban landscape through the underlying motif of urban alienation. The writers explore the alienating effect of city life as people are forced to suppress and hide their individual identity by conforming to societal expectations, as well as the Idea of examining the universal nature of human despair and Isolation through their depiction off soulless, disconnected and oppressive society. We will write a custom essay sample on Urban Alienation or any similar topic only for you Order Now T. S Eliot shows the alienating and disconnection with the urban landscape which Is explored In The Preludes as people are forced to suppress and hide their Individual Identity by conforming to societal expectations wealth city life. Eliot who was a modernist poet, revolted against traditional literary forms and subjects. About the decay of modern salvation, he shared the Ideas of pessimism, disillusionment and futility. As a action to World War l, Eliot describes the metropolis as a place where people physically live, not emotionally live. Throughout the poem there is use of enjambment to render the contemporary disorder and lack of coherence of people’s daily lives in the modern city. Alliteration is skillfully used creating emphasis on the imagery of gusty and grimy and the harshness of the rain being described as ;beat on broken blinds’. The city itself is a metaphor or reflection of people’s daily lives and inner psyches as they become consumed within the landscape. The second prelude deals tit the personal pain that is so well hidden which is metaphorically presented through the idea of a ‘masquerade’. This pain is shown to be an effect and common lifestyle of this broken city which is shared ‘in a thousand furnished rooms’. In Preludes three and four look at false pretences. Eliot uses the repetition of the conjunction ‘and’ to further emphasis the drabness of routine and the endless cycle of existence. There is a sense of prediction and pace through the times four and five and six o’ clock’ as if trapped in this mechanical routine. People are in the deceitful inform of ‘certain certainties’ contained in monotonous activities like ‘fingers of stuffing pipes’. It ends with a sense of emptiness and a sense of searching. The Preludes addresses the need to break the â€Å"chains† or cycle of a personal fixation within the isolation as well as frustration of city life in order to create a stronger relationship with the urban environment. Similarly, â€Å"The Pedestrian† explores alienating effects of city life as people are forced to suppress and hide their Individual Identity by conforming to societal expectations, where the Individual lacks feeling of longing and connectivity. The Pedestrian† Is set AD 2053 In the dyspepsia future. Leonard Mean is the individual whoso Is at odds with his society as he who recognizes the world as soulless and. HIS world has no delve order and Is a futile, anarchic place – where the protagonists name Is also very average and ordina ry. There Is a recurring motif of the dead. People are metaphorically described as deadened and zombie-Like or associated with the negative connotation of ;grey phantoms’ living In a monotonous and emotionless world. People are trapped and locked inside tomb-like monotony attached with urban living as Leonard goes about his routine he says What’s up tonight on Channel 4, Channel 7 and Channel 9? Due to advances in technology, the city dwellers’ ability to think for themselves is lost as they become brainwashed and confined to their living rooms watching television, into a dehumidified state. The onomatopoeia and emotive terms Whispering†¦ Murmurs’ are both associated with spying or secrets. This suggests Leonard is not conforming to the laws of his society. The harshness and sterility of the robot’s ‘metallic’ voice idiotically repeats the questions directed to Leonard, asking Walking where? For what? As well the inability to understand his ‘profession’ shows an emotionless and artificial world taken over by ever developing technology. This is Juxtaposed between Lemonade’s warmth and humor where he replies with a smile ‘nobody wanted me’. Similarly with T. S Elite’s The Preludes, in The Pedestrian there are feelings of isolation and being misunderstood by the changing urban society where the world is isolating in cultural and individual identity through the suppressive and conformity. Following the concept of the individual being psychologically â€Å"chained†, the Migrant Woman on a Melbourne Tram reflects Jennifer Strauss’ relationship with the urban landscape examined through the portrayal of an illegal alien, where she experiences displacement and anonymity in a foreign urban metropolis. The migrant woman is portrayed as one who ‘hunches’ while being described as ‘sweltering with twists in sweating hands’. Further embodying a sense of discomfort is through the rash alliteration of ‘s’. We see the woman as being caught between two cultures; she becomes consumed by the city and forlorn in foreign words and voices’. The effective use of alliteration has a solemn tone which evokes a sense of hopelessness as they ‘echo’. Furthermore; there is a sense of desperation to understand situation. The migrant woman has to break through the language barrier to overcome a loss and lack of cultural identity. There is a threatening and uneasy tone established through the repetition of ‘Impossibly black†¦ Luminosity obscure†¦ Luminosity dark†¦ Possibly departed’. This accumulates and creates an unsettled atmosphere while reflecting the individual’s confusion and isolation. This also relates to the women’s attire, standing out while being Juxtaposed with the sexualities nature of the ‘impudence of summer thighs/long arms and painted toenails’. This synecdoche may act as a mean to create emphasis on the two con trasting cultures and expose the reader through the notion of the feelings of displacement and complete alienation, which is what the migrant woman would be experiencing. Strauss makes an allusion to Greek hydrology through her reference to the story of Theses and the Minotaur. The migrant woman’s almost ‘daunting’ and foreboding’ feat of making her navigation through an unknown culture alludes to Theses being sent and fed to the Minotaur. The migrant woman is ‘sacrificing herself to this newfound culture and leaving behind her past. The ‘blind beast’ may perhaps also signify the industrialized and modern-aged city, ‘devouring or consuming the newly arrived immigrants which correlates with the metaphor of ‘eating up men’. The Preludes and The Pedestrian respond to the ideas shown in the Migrant Woman on a Melbourne Tram in providing an insight to Jennifer Strauss’ soulless, disconnected and oppressive relationship with the urban landscape. In the three texts, the readers are provided underlying motif of urban alienation. The ideas explored are when people are forced to suppress and hide their individual identity by conforming to societal expectations, as well as the idea of examining the universal nature of human despair and isolation through their depiction of a soulless, disconnected and oppressive society. How to cite Urban Alienation, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Web Based Parts Ordering System Essay Example For Students

Web Based Parts Ordering System Essay The part ordering and inventory system was implemented using 3-tiers architecture approach with a back-end database (MYSELF), a middle tier of Hypertext Pre-processor (PH) and Java script and a Webster (Apache) as front end client_The methodology adopted in this study is the Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SCADS). The expected output of this research work is to manage Automobile products, Stock Levels, sales Management, Employee and Supplier Information Management, effective, efficient and timely automobile part ordering mechanism, tracking order capabilities and generating report. The era of information technology has brought a new dawn to the running Of inventory in organizations that deals With merchandise, warehousing and egoistic bringing forth new ideas and products which are designed to make a huge and imperative impact and a better decision on the activities of the organization in a positive way. Web based Automobile part ordering and inventory system is an effective tool that is implemented to perform important inventory operations for Lizard Motors Nigeria Limited which Will improve on the old ways of carrying out their inventory required task. . 1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY Inventory is the stock of any item or resource used in an organization. An Inventory system is the set of policies and controls that monitors levels of inventory and determines what level should be maintained, when stock should be replenished and how large orders should be. By convention, manufacturing inventory generally refers to items that contribute to or become part of a firms produ ct output. Manufacturing inventory is typically classified into raw materials, finished products, components parts, supplies and work-in process. We will write a custom essay on Web Based Parts Ordering System specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In services, inventory generally refers to tangible goods to be sold and supplies necessary to administer the service. The basic purpose of inventory analysis in manufacturing and stock keeping services is to specify when items should be ordered and how argue the order should be. Many firms are tending to enter into longer-term relationships With vendors to supply their needs for perhaps the entire year. This changes the when and how to ordeal to when and how many to deliver. A key element in reducing inventory is better information. The better the information concerning what we have and what we need, the fewer inventories needed. The economic benefit from inventory reduction is evident from the following statistics: The average cost of inventory across all manufacturing in the United States is 30 to 35 percent of its value. For example, if a firm carries an inventory of $20 million, it costs the firm more than $6 million per year, These costs are due to obsolescence, insurance, opportunity costs and so forth. It the amount of inventory could he reduced to SIS million for instance, the firm would save over $3 million which goes directly to the bottom line. I. E. The savings trot reduced inventory has increased profit. An inventory system provides the organizational structure and the operating policies for maintaining and controlling goods to be stocked. The system is responsible for ordering and receipts of goods, timing he order placement and keeping track of what has been ordered, how much and from whom, The system must also follow up to answer such questions as; has the supplier received the order? Has it been supplied? Are the dates correct? Are the procedures established for reordering or returning undesirable merchandise? A web-based Automobile part ordering and inventory management system allows restricted users to access, monitor, and maintain the companys inventory from any web browser either from their offices, homes, laptops and even phones(black berries). They can also check stock evils, order replacement ,monitor distributions, generate and print reports etc. This project is a business solution application that is intended to solve Lizard automobiles ordering and inventory management problems,so constant communication between the client and the developer of the system wastage n into serious consideration for the requirement to be fully understood and for it to be analyzed Nina way that the client will expect it to be achieved because intends to redesign their business process they have been using in the past which is proving robe a problem to them now. For the project to be Successful yachted project management strategy had to be carried out and software development lifestyle was also incorporated in the development. Lizard automobile part ordering and inventory management is used to monitor and manage the stock to their products used in the organization. An Inventory system is the set of policies and controls that monitors levels of inventory and determines what level should be maintained, when stock should be replenished and how large orders should be, I . STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMS An issue that always comes to mind is how we apply technology to minimize sots and maximize profit. This project recommends a greater application of computers and Information Technology to replace manual inventory systems. Some of the drawbacks in the manual system are; time wastage in taking stocks and the inventory, delay in purchase ordering, inconsistent sales, employee and supplier management, Inaccuracy report constituted, Inadequate use of resou rces, Monotonous work done by some members of staff of the organization etc. Hence, leading to the design Of an automated web- based Lizard Automobile part ordering and Inventory system. 13 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The aim of this project is to carry out a web-based design and implementation of a Lizard Automobile part ordering and inventory management system based on the information given from the company. The Objectives of the study are: Design a web based inventory system for Lizard Nigeria Limited. To ensure quick and accurate inventory, To enhance better and easy Atmospherically ordering mechanism. Unique, secure logins for all user and administrators Design better sales, Employee and Supplier management system. To effectively link part ordering, inventory, and sale management all in one easy to use web- eased platform. 1. 4 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY It is not always easy to manage a large firm manually. Keeping tracks of records or products manually could take a long time. There is a need for accurate record keeping. For example, keeping tracks of all goods i,e, sold goods, remaining goods in the store, when to order for raw materials, has the supplier received the order, has it been supplied, are the dates correct etc. I _S SCOPE POP STUDY The project will focus on some of the products and activities of Lizard Nigeria Limited. It is going to involve the management Of their products, suppliers and employee management, making purchase orders, track order, generate and print reports and receipts suppliers and the entire inventory management. 1. 6 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The application Will work perfectly for top level (direct procurement) department of the organization but with a little work and networking done on it, it could work for other departments in the organization. Certain factors could act as a hindrance to the design of the system. These factors are: Finance Inadequate inventory data 1. THE DEFINITION OF THE TERMS Inventory: A complete list to items, a quantity of goods in stock Stock: Supply f goods or materials available for sale or use. System: A system is a set of interrelated parts that work together to achieve a common goal. Inventory system: A set of policies and controls that monitors level of inventory or determines what levels should be maintained. Database: Any collection of data or information that is specially organized for rapid search and retrieval by a computer. .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1 , .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1 .postImageUrl , .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1 , .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1:hover , .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1:visited , .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1:active { border:0!important; } .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1:active , .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1 .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc63063d1bbb072a1034bd87cd2b4eaa1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Can you love someone too much? EssayWeb-based Application: it is a software package that can be accessed through the web browser. Business Solution Software: is generally any software program that helps business increase productivity or measure their productivity. Apache: commonly referred as Apache HTTP server, is a web server software notable for playing a key role in the initial growth of the world vivid web. Inventory system: A set Of policies and controls that monitors level Of inventory or determines what levels should be maintained. Supply chain: A supply chain or logistics network is the system Of organizations, people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. Stock-cut: A situation where stock runs out. Logistics: is a channel of the supply chain which adds the value of time and place utility. Automobile: A vehicle. CHAPTER TWO 2. 0 RELEVANT LITERATURE REVIEW There are many background studies that are basic to the issue examined by this study: therefore, thorough examination of related literature seems appropriate. Review work, in this case is divided into these sections: 2. INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS PROCESS RE. ENGINEERING (BPR) The concept of business process re-engineering (BPR) came into existence from the observation and the practices of highly successful organizations in the asses and early asses(Davenport, 1993, Hammer, 1990; Hammer Champs, 1993) as tied in Jaguar and Spinally(1999), although to truly understand PR one has to le arn from the world of organizational experience. That is, to look at what other organization have done, their feedback, mistakes, results and probably their approach to re-engineering Jaguar and spinal (1999). . 1. I Business process Re-Engineering Definition: There are so many authors with different definition for the word business process Re-Engineering because of their various understanding. For Prepared and Rowland (1995) BPR is the improvement in performance by redesigning the processes through which an organization operates, maximizing their value-added content and minimizing everything else. While Davenport and Short (1990 cited in Herzog et al. , 2007, p. 5813) described BPR as the analysis and design of work flows and processes within, and between, organizations. Hammer and Champs (1993) as cited in Herzog et al (2007) further illustrated it as the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures Of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed. The Author understands BPR as the process of restructuring an organization entire business processes or individual processes as a result Of flans in services in other to elevate their production and gain a competitive edge With the aid Of Information Technology. Over the years, so many organizations have implemented business process re-engineering(BPR) into their business activities for so many reasons, either for cutting competitive edge through the use of Information technology for automation of various business processes while some organization have rejected BPR due to lack of knowledge on the effective strategic way of implementing BPR to achieve success (Collusion-Thomas t a, 1996). This is further illustrated with the diagram below: Fig. 2: The flow of Business Process (Totally and Gunner, 2008, p. 745) Business Process is reviewed here by the author in other to illustrate that the critical study on how an organization business process flows is very essential and effective for the implementation of BPR through I. T. 2. 2 AUTOMOBILE PART ORDERING Automobile Part ordering is the process of making orders of automobile products from the manufactures or any other dealers E. G. Spare parts of some automobile products. It can be ordered onlin e or direct to from dealers warehouse through electrification devices. 2. RIDER ENG MANAGEMENT SYSTEM An order management system, or MOMS, is a computer software system used in a number of industries for order entry and processing activities. Orders can be received from businesses, consumers, or a mix Of both, depending on the products. Offers and pricing may be done via catalogs, websites, or broadcast network advertisements. An integrated order management system may encompass these modules: Product Information (descriptions, attributes, locations, quantities) Inventory management Vendors, Purchasing, and Receiving Marketing (Catalogs, promotions, pricing) Customers and Prospects Order Entry and Customer Service (including Returns and Refunds) Financial Processing (credit cams, billing, payment on account) Order Processing (selection, printing, picking, packing, shipping) Data Analysis and Reporting Financial (Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger) There are several business domains which use MOMS for different purposes but the core reasons remain the same: l) Telecoms To keep track of customers, accounts, credit verification, product delivery, billing etc 2) Retail Large retail companies SE MOMS to keep track of orders from customers, stock level maintenance, packaging and shipping. 3) Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare. 4) Automotive to keep track of parts sourced through Memos 5) Financial services Order Management requires multiple Steps in a sequential process like Capture, Validation, Fraud Check, Payment Authorization, Sourcing, Backorder management, Pick, pack, ship and a ssociated customer communications. Order management systems usually have workflow capabilities to manage this process. Recent advancements in order management systems saw the emergence Of mobile phone based order capture. Mobile sales order management systems like Fieldsman enables capture of sales order information using simple mobile phones 23. PURCHASE ORDER A purchase order (POP) is a counterarguments issued by a puberty a seller, indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the seller will provide to the buyer, Sending a purchase order to a supplier constitutes a legal offer to buy products or services. Acceptance of a purchase order by a seller usually forms a one-off contraceptive the buyer and seller, 50 no contract exists until the purchase order is accepted. There are several reasons why companies use purchase orders, Purchase orders allow buyers to clearly and explicitly communicate their intentions to sellers, and sellers are protected in case of a buyers refusal to pay for goods or services. Purchase orders also help a purchasing agent manage incoming orders and pending orders. Purchase orders also are an economical choice for a business because they streamline the purchasing process to a standard procedure. An Electronic Purchase Orders Many Purchase Orders are no longer paper-based, but rather transmitted electronically over the Internet. It is common for electronic purchase orders to be used to buy goods Or services online for services or physical goods Of any type. 2. COMPUTERS AND INVENTORY Inventory control systems maintain information about activities Within firms that ensure the delivery of products to customers. The subsystems that perform these functions include sales, manufacturing, warehousing, ordering, and receiving. In different firms, the activities associated with each of these areas may not be strictly contained within separate subsystems, but these functions must be performed in sequence in order to have a well-run inventory control yester. In todays business environment, even small and midsized businesses have come to rely on computerized inventory management systems. Certainly, there are plenty to small retail outlets, manufacturers, and other businesses that continue to rely on manual means of inventory tracking (Reference for business inventory, 2010). Automation can dramatically impact all phases of inventory management, including counting and monitoring of inventory items; recording and retrieval of item storage location: recording changes to inventory; and anticipating inventory needs, including inventory handling requirements. This is true even of stand-alone systems that are not integrated with other areas of the business, but many analysts indicate that productivity and profitability gains that are geared through use of automated systems can be increased even more when a business integrates its inventory control systems with other systems such as accounting and sales to better control inventory levels (Reference for business inventory, 2010). As Dennis Askew noted in PC Week 1995, business executives are increasingly integrating financial data, such as accounts receivable, with sales information that includes customer histories. Godwin Dud (1993) described telecommunications technology as a critical organizational asset that can help a company realize important competitive gains in the area Of inventory management. He noted that companies that make good use of this technology are far better equipped to succeed than those who rely on outdated or unwieldy methods of inventory control. 2. STOCK MANAGEMENT S tock management is the function of understanding the stock mix of a company and the different demands on that stock. The demands are influenced by both external and internal factors and are balanced by the creation of Purchase order quests to keep supplies at a reasonable or prescribed level. 2. 6 LOGISTICS Logistics is the management of the flow of goods, information and other resources, including energy and people, between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements to consumers (frequently, and originally, military organizations). Logistics involves the integration of information, transportation, and inventory, warehousing, material- handling, and packaging. .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846 , .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846 .postImageUrl , .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846 , .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846:hover , .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846:visited , .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846:active { border:0!important; } .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846:active , .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846 .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub60cb96e9d4c1e3859b94a116bc4b846:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Pearl - How Greed Destroys People EssayLogistics is a channel of the supply chain which adds the value of time and place utility. 2. 7 LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT Logistics management is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers requirements. A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a logistical. 28 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Supply chain management (SCM) is the management Of a network Of interconnected businesses involved in the ultimate p rovision of product and service packages required by end customers (Harlan, 1996). Supply Chain Management spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point-of-origin to point-of-consumption 2. 81 Activities,functions Supply chain management is a cross-functional approach to manage the movement of raw materials into an organization, certain aspects of the internal processing of materials into finished goods, and then the movement of finished goods out of the organization toward the end-consumer. As organizations strive to focus on core competencies and becoming more flexible, they have reduced their ownership of raw materials sources and distribution channels. These functions are increasingly being outsourced to other entities that can perform the activities better or more cost effectively. The effect is to increase the number of organizations involved in satisfying customer demand, while reducing management control of daily logistics operations, Less control and more supply chain partners led to the creation of supply chain management concepts. The purpose of supply chain management is to improve trust and collaboration among supply chain partners, thus improving inventory visibility and improving inventory velocity. SWAB BASED INVENTORY SYSTEM Though many users may balk at the idea of leaving the familiar world of desktop software, the benefits of Secure Storage, sharing files and accessibility makes managing data with secure web applications a smart move. 2. 9. View Based System This is an online software that can be installed on a web server or network server and runs on a web browser. A web application is an application that is accessed over a nonvoter such as an internet or an intranet. Web applications are popular due to the ubiquity few browsers and the convenience of using the web browser as a client. 2. 9. 2 Why use A Web Based System? A web based system is the future medium for nearly all small and medium sized business software applications. Web based software will continue to become more pervasive in the coming years and the reasons are simple: Familiar Interface: The internet browser is the most commonly used software today. Its high level to use results in an inherent familiarity with users Platform Independence: Inventory can be accessed from a desktop, a laptop, a PDA or even a cell phone which makes it platform independent user Management: Managing information security within organizations and outside organizations s of paramount importance. Web based software affords organizations the freedom to set a multi-leveled user workspace environment and accordingly restrict the access to information each browser is granted. Security: Online inventory allows password protected access to authorized users and data is stored and encrypted. Support: The web based system can be updated remotely so the organization does not incur costly charges for on-site visits. Information Backup: When using a web based software, backups are performed automatically at regulated intervals Vichy spare members of the organization the responsibility f performing time-consuming procedures. 2. 1 THE FUTURE OF INVENTORY SYSTEMS In the latter part of the asses, many businesses invested heavily in integrated order and inventory systems designed to keep inventories at a minimum and replenish stock quickly. But business owners have a variety of system integration options from Which to choose, based on their needs and financial liquidity. At the same time that these integrated systems have increased in popularity, business observers have suggested that stand-alone systems are falling into disavow. A 1996 study by the International Mass Retail Association (MIRA), for example, included that stand alone Inventory Management System (AIMS) packages acquired to perform individual functions will soon become obsolete because they do not integrate well with other systems. (Reference for Business Inventory, 2010) CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY AND SYSTEM ANALYSIS In the dynamic world, the subject system analysis and design mainly deals with the software development activities. In this chapter, the necessary Steps in developing the software will be discussed. 3. METHODOLOGY This is denned as a framework that is used to Structure, plan, and control the recess of developing an information system (Wisped, 2008). It is used to refer to a specific series of steps or procedure which governs the analysis and design of a particular project. Methodology includes the methods, techniques and procedures which are used to collect and analyze information. Various methodologies include: SCADS, prototyping and DOME. In this project work, the methodology to be employed will involve the design and implementation of a user-friendly application. PH will be employed as the programming language for the design of the interface and Myself will be used as the Database. This project will also be carried out through; Project research topics had to be considered in order to aid the development Research on existing inventory systems must be considered. Analyzing the subject matter and identifying the drawbacks. Deployment of a web-based part ordering and inventory system using wampum server and PH programming language. Visit to some departments such as IT department, Supply chain, logistics and warehouse of Lizard Nigeria Limited (Lagos Factory). 3. 1 STRUCTURED SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN METHODOLOGY (SCADS) The methodology adopted in this study is the Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SCADS). It is a systems approach to the analysis and design of information systems. SCADS is a waterfall method by which an information systems design can be arrived at. SCADS starts With a definition Of problem or current System problems and Feasibility studies. An analysis of the present system is performed before the design of the new system.